Ian Hoskins is an award-winning author and one of Sydney’s foremost historians. He has worked as an academic, professional historian and curator for over 30 years. His acclaimed books are recognised nationally for their chronicling of Australian history.
“I am passionate about history (both local and broad) and landscapes (both cultural and natural) along with the architecture, modifications and plantings that make up those places – and the literature and artwork created to represent them.”
Blog posts:

Post, 06/10/21

Post, 15/12/19

Architecture Armidale bibliophile Boats Boobooks bookshops Burnett Books Canal estates Catherine Hill Bay CH Currey Fellowship chimney Clovelly Coastal villages collecting David Lowenthal EF Banfield Gordons Bay Gostwyck heritage Jervis Bay John and Isabella Perrett Judith Wright Landscape and history landscape and melancholy local history marine parks Michael Pembroke Nancy Keesing New England New South Wales coast NSW coast Oliver Goldsmith Port Kembla Richard King Russel Ward shark attack shark cull Sussex Inlet Sydney Harbour Tathra Tim Winton trees Tyringham Uralla urchins